Magonjwa ambukizi kama COVID-19 yanaweza kuvuruga mazingira ambamo ukuaji na maendeleo ya mtoto hutokea. Kuvurugika kwa familia, urafiki, utaratibu wa kila siku, na jamii kwa ujumla kunaweza kuwa na athari mbaya kwa ustawi wa watoto, ukuaji, na uangalizi. Kwa kuongezea, hatua zinazotumiwa kuzuia na kudhibiti kuenea kwa COVID-19 zinaweza kuweka
Happy Children Tanzania keep on conducting a quick needs assessment of women and youth groups in 8 regions of Tanzania with perspective of documenting their progress and identifying their needs. These groups have been doing great job for supporting their families especially children but they face some constraints which need
Tuesday 27 November 2018 is GivingTuesaday.We need to raise $5000 more to fund our project providing education to children and youth living with HIV ,also to make awareness on HIV AIDS ,and encourage community to take test in Dar es Salaam . This project is crucial and we can start